
たのしかったところ 廃校廃園その後

5 件のコメント:

  1. Buna ziua Mukup

    Multumesc pentru vizita.
    Traducerea nu a fost exacta, deci am sa completez cu cate ceva.
    Romania este tara in care locuiesc si este amplasata in Europa de Est.
    Orasul in care locuiesc este Galati si este amplasat pe malul unui fluviu important in Europa, numit Dunarea.
    Poezia si fotografia pe care am postat-o se numeste „Metamorfoza”.
    Iti doresc o zi buna.

    Hello Mukup

    Thanks for visiting.
    The translation was not accurate, so I have to fill with something. Romania is country living and is located in Eastern Europe. Galati city is living and is located along a major river in Europe, called the Danube.
    Poetry and photography that I posted one is called "Metamorphosis."
    Have a good day.

  2. Hi, thanks for your comment.
    I'm glad you liked my picture. The doll is a Lego Duplo. And the bowl is called Cathrineholm and is norwegian mid century design.

    I like your photographs:-)

    Have a nice day!

  3. these black and white shots are beautiful ...

  4. La Pologne est belle. S'il vous plaît venez voir. mukup

  5. Nice pictures Mukup!!! Mukupありがとう!日本では偉大な感度を持っています。私はいつか訪れると思っています。私はあなたの迅速な回復をお祈りします!
